Recently, my husband Tim and I were talking about our stroller, and strollers in general, and he had a brainstorm.
“Why don’t they have really cool strollers? Like, for tough guys. I’m thinking leather with studs.”
“Well, that’s probably not practical,” I answered. “You wouldn’t want to take your nice leather stroller out in the rain.”
But my response fell on the deaf ears of a man whose imagination had been ignited.
“Come to think of it,” Tim said, “why not invent a stroller that shoots fire?”
I raised my eyebrows. “Tell me more,” I said.
“Like, if you could push a button on the handle console and have it shoot fire. I bet there’s a market for that.”
“Where would it shoot fire from?” I asked.
Tim thought about that one for a couple seconds. “Probably the sides. That would be safest.”
Indeed. Safety first, I always say, when it comes to fire-shooting, leather strollers with metal studs. Expect our prototype in Spring 2012.